-sooner or later, the city of paris, texas will have to invest in people-

In 2008, and again in 2011, the Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce recommended that the City of Paris, which owns a number of houses on which taxes have not been paid for years (and hundreds of other substandard houses on which sizable tax bills exist that the city will also likely end up owning), take the lead on fixing the the problem by investing in people. The city, being an existing legal entity will have to play an enabling role sooner or later.

To this end (now, 16-wasted years later), the Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce is going to try it once more:  A city that owns housing in an Enterprise Zone can establish an urban homestead program, through which the city sells a house it owns to a private citizen for an amount not to exceed $100.

The Individual buying the property must agree to live in the house for at least seven years and to renovate or remodel the residence to meet the level of maintenance stated in a written agreement between the individual and the city.  After the family or individual lives in the house for the seven years and satisfies all the agreed upon improvements, the city deeds the house to the individual (or assigns it to a bank that may be financing additional improvements).

True, not all the folks hopping on an urban homestead program will follow thru…and the program administrator will have to reclaim the property.  But many will follow thru, improving their lives (and the City of Paris).  Investing in people means that any homes that are returned can be offered to others who will complete the terms of the homestead agreement.     

investing in people means There will never be enough Homes.


Yes, we understand that many local movers and shakers, who have no more idea of community and economic development than Oak Wilt fungus, see the Paris Chamber as an irritant to their schemes or beliefs; but they should know that business is business and a good idea is a good idea – no matter where it comes from. . .

Paris talks about improving Paris.  Paris talks about the need to improve and beautify. Paris talks about substandard homes with unpaid taxes, and talks about what to do with them. But not utilizing available programs to improve large parts of Paris is inexcusable!

Sure, we understand why some want to deny incentives for a large neighborhood improvement effort; especially, in an Enterprise or “Opportunity” Zone, even if such action violates warranties that have to be made in the Contract Agreement for Zone approval. We find such actions wrong, ethically repulsive, and don’t agree with it, but, considering all the parties involved, we understand it.

But to deny younger couples or retirees and others who have the energy and/or resources to own their homes – while eliminating eyesores – and improving Paris – is mind-boggling! 

THAT we do not understand . . . !

Investing in people is actually community development, so why wouldn’t we invest in ways to help people?

Talk about creating opportunities – 

The Paris Chamber’s recommendations are on record, so the Paris leadership cannot plead ignorance. 

Done right, its a program that can actually pay for itself.

Since 2008, the money the city has wasted (and is wasting) on know-little consultants would have paid for improving residential areas all over Paris, through which clean-up, fix-up, paint-up materials would be exchanged for “sweat equity” labor and . . .


Oh, well —
How much longer can Paris
afford to wait to invest in its people? 

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       These Little Town Blues . . .

        A Public Information (BS) Officer