One of the reasons why the Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce distrusts so many government bureaucrats (not workers, bureaucrats):

After years of community and economic wrong-doing by several large and small Texas’ cities, legislators gave them a sly wink that a ‘safe haven” now exist in the Chapter 380 law for any of their past, on-going or currently contemplated sins. Under the new Chapter 380 Program, anything legal or semi-legal can be economic development.

It is such a bad law that state legislators declined to determine specifically which incentives, when offered singularly or in combination, constitute a “program … to promote state or local economic development.”

There are no rules governing community and economic development anymore, except for civil injury or death.

Economic development is now anything a city council says that it is – Whether an incentive is requested or not, it gives a city control over all development efforts.

Government takes care of government; government grows government.

Taxpayers have raised such a ruckus over wasted tax-dollars that lawmakers had to do something to bail-out their brethren.

Therefore, 380 agreements serve to only memorialize economic development projects that cities create. It gives a city council the rights of management and control over anything that it designates as a 380 project, thereby setting aside the Constitutional rights of private property ownership.

If government can control it, it – or their friends or supporters or the bureaucrat administrators – can reap the rewards while you pay the taxes, which government also puts into its pockets . . . IF someone can control and manage your property, in ways that they determine, what good is your ownership of it?

Logic is not a government strong point.

The Chapter 380 law requires that a “claw-back” or “recapture” provision be in every 380-agreement. It’s a way for cities to claim that taxpayers can get the total cost of incentives and grant or loan money back IF their economic development partner does not meet or deliver on the agreed performance.

Cities and economic development corporations now have an excuse: A guarantee that no incentive will be wasted as every and all are recoverable.


The cockroach in the coffee is that cities have always been free to have “claw back” provisions from failed goals set forth under agreement terms. Its why we’ve had agreements and contracts since 1215 (the Magna Carta signing). But moving on:

The problem for taxpayers – who pay for all incentives – is that under Section 380.001(b), the governing body may: (1) administer a 380 program by the use of municipal personnel; (2) contract with the federal government, the state, a political subdivision of the state, a nonprofit organization, or any other entity for the administration of a program.

That is a cronyism loophole large enough for the 138,600,000 supporters of “democratic socialism” to do the Boot Scootin’ Boogie in . . . (That’s the left-leaning 42% that polls are reporting of the nation’s 330-million population, if you’re wondering.)

Recently, over a cup of coffee, one of our Paris Chamber’s supporters observed that “government has replaced the Mafia as the nation’s organized crime system.” He added, “All it is anymore is a legalized system for plunder.”

He said it was his fault because he “didn’t vote for Goldwater.”

Half of those present were not even born in 1964. One of the eldest said, “Its like I’m living in a society with Alzheimer’s.

Anyway:  Chapter 380 is to protect government, while taking care of government’s friends and insiders.

It certainly is not about achieving results, as not all projects are “economic development programs.”

An improvement or a restoration of a building, allowing new instant slums in a neighborhood, some guy cleaning up junk in his yard, some crew selling “pot” on the streets, some gal painting her navel at the Culbertson Fountain, anything that can be claimed to have a potential for “community development” or to improve Paris’ appearance, can now become “economic” in the eyes of the city or when used by the PEDC (when they want it to be).

A 380 designation gives the city total administrative control and management of an entire project – which are the basic rights of private property ownership. And don’t be fooled: Control and management far exceeds any government right of ‘reasonable’ regulation.

Paris is now trying to treat community development as a need for a Chapter 380 economic development agreement; even if no loan or grant or incentive has been made by the city.

Forget any understanding of what, why, and how a project should be done.

return to          –          Paris Texas Chamber

Despite what some want to believe, the objective reality is that a failure to consistently keep promises will be punished.

People create the final say-so on what they want and don’t want, what they’ll buy and won’t buy: Ask Pontiac, Edsel, Oldsmobile, Studebaker; ask Leisure Suits, Nehru Jackets, Go-Go Boots, Bell Bottom jeans; ask Cabbage Patch Dolls, Mutant Ninja Turtles; ask McDonald’s Onion Nuggets, Green Slime, Swanson TV Dinners; Blackberry Smartphones; ask Corday’s Tourjours Moi, Geoffrey Beene’s Red, Estée Lauder’s Youth Dew Amber Nude Eau de Parfum and Mac Love Me Lipstick – Hot as Chili; ask Sears, Ben Franklin’s, TG&Y, Pier One Imports; ask Drive-In Theaters –

And hundreds, thousands, of other examples.

The Paris Texas Chamber realizes that an objective reality is fundamental to the value that people see: It’s not some dreamed up add-on or some optional extra for a few community firms, or Happy Talk of promises that seldom achieve a worthwhile result.

Too frequently, governmental and business “experts” limit themselves by their accepted conventional economic and/or quantification-obsessed search for one right answer; a technique easy to teach in classrooms. Such restricted models of reality are dangerous. Basically, anticipated outcomes are largely probabilistic rather than deterministic. If they were determinable, we could easily forecast the future.

Sadly, in today’s society, 80% of applied marketing efforts are pretending that it is deterministic — in the form of planning and strategy activities, for example. But this approach misses the key point: That the marketing tournament is played out not in the objective arena, but in the subjectivity of the consumer’s mind.

People, in general, evaluate through heuristics; making what frustrated marketing experts (and politicians) claim are irrational decisions, because the why and how of behavior does not follow the predictions of their economic models.

Reputation and disappointment are subjectively perceived. So is acceptance.

A market is created in customer-initiated experiences, which are never one thing: It’s multiple options for different value-uncertain taxpayers/user/customers to choose from. Sometimes the options are opposite things or multiple different things (that a wide range of consumers in a wide range of situations can choose).

Of course, people and their preferences and their individual and social behavior are constantly changing. This constant changing is a stimulus for innovation, improvement, and promises of better alternatives.

Imagination is why some communities and firms succeed and some fail.

Consumers and value become a market when facilitated by communities and local businesses and suppliers, who listen and respond well.

Paris’ Three Mustyrears do not listen – and the Paris Chamber certainly knows they do not respond well.

They refuse to accept the fact that a community that wants to be rewarded, will invest its reputation through consistency, reliability in keeping its promises, and open communications loops – not by branding a hoped-for perception that has little to do with reality.

But they are very good at wasting the taxpayers’ money.


return to The Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce


Numerous sources report that thousands of Chinese immigrated to the United States between 1849 and 1882, as indentured laborers to work on building the Transcontinental Railroad. The vast majority came from peasant families in southeastern China and were signed to contracts that ran up to five years for relatively low wages (compared with their white counterparts).

Among the items the Chinese railroad workers brought with them to the States were various medicines — including snake oil. Made from the oil of the Chinese water snake, which is rich in the omega-3 acids that help reduce inflammation, snake oil in its original form really was effective, especially when used to treat arthritis and bursitis. The workers would rub the oil, used for centuries in China, on their joints after a long hard day at work.

The story goes that the Chinese workers began sharing the oil with American counterparts, who marveled at the effects.

As word of the healing powers of Chinese snake  oil grew, many Americans wondered how they could make their own snake oil here in the United States. Because there were no Chinese water snakes handy in the American West, many healers began using rattlesnakes to make their own versions of snake oil.

By the latter half of the 19th Century, which saw a dramatic rise in the popularity of “patent medicines” – tonics which promised to cure a wide variety of ailments including chronic pain, headaches, “female complaints” and kidney trouble.

In time, all of these false “cures” began to be referred to as snake oil.

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 sought to clamp down on the sale of patent medicines.

After seizing a shipment of Texan Clark Stanley’s Snake Oil in 1917, federal investigators found that it primarily contained mineral oil, a fatty oil believed to be beef fat, red pepper and turpentine. That’s right — Stanley’s Snake Oil did not contain a drop of actual snake oil, and hundreds of consumers discovered they had been had.

It was probably around then that snake oil became symbolic of fraud.

The first written usage of the phrase appeared in Stephen Vincent Benet’s epic 1927 poem John Brown’s Body, when the poet refers to “Crooked creatures of a thousand dubious trades … sellers of snake-oil balm and lucky rings.”

About 30 years later, playwright Eugene O’Neill referred to snake oil in his 1956 play The Iceman Cometh, when a character suggested that a rival was “standing on a street corner in hell right now, making suckers of the damned, telling them there’s nothing like snake oil for a bad burn.”

Paris has been sold stuff that would make a snake oil promoter blush. Its been a conspiracy of organizations claiming to be in charge of community and economic development. They used a local news media reluctantly repeating “the news” – even when known as questionable (but fear a loss of advertising income from not toeing the line) – or those who happily report stupidity they believe in . . .

And by voters who never had a voice for a better choice.

Til now.