
Where is the “core area” of the City of Paris?

When is illegal legal? And,

What is the total cost to the taxpayers for all the current incentives given to a few favored endeavors? (There’s always a cost, as nothing is free.)

The city says it “is incentivizing reinvestment in the core area of the city…”

But . . . where is “the core…”?

Surely, it’s not the Towne Center Shopping Center where the city is giving” questionable incentives –incentivizing possibly even illegal retail sales tax rebates – to four retail businesses (that replace four businesses that closed); plus, tax abatement to the shopping center owner.

But what “low income” or “disadvantaged area” of Paris qualifies those four firms or the owner of the shopping center for incentives? (click for what qualifies)?

When did Texas’ Retail Sales Tax become a Special District tax? Isn’t the retail sales tax a public tax, which can only be used for public purposes? (When a tax law is only a mask to exact funds from the public when its true intent is to give undue benefit and advantage to a private enterprise, it will not satisfy the requirement of public purpose. Click to read more from Yale Law Journal.)

The city is subsidizing – incentivitizing – a few home builders and apartment developers; the city says, “At least four”.


We’re “incentivizing” industry – even giving cash!


We’re building a $7-million street for a private developer.


Taxpayers are subsidizing a motel on North Main Street.


Government gets a bit too big for its britches when citizens elect too many to offices who allow administrative employees to tell them what to do – instead of overseeing the actions and the decisions of key employees who usually are seeking to build a portfolio to a better job.

A bureaucrat, a manager or an administrator in an organizations that has lost its way, are only role players. To keep their job, they must be a collaborative contributor to the overall concept of the organization. They are required to not only assume the values of the organization, but its personality as well.

Too often, those we elect end up listening to and carrying out recommendations of staff bureaucrats.

No act performed by a citizen, while in the city limits of Paris, Texas, shall be without a charge from the city. The rule is, “Everything costs.” There are no exceptions  –  unless it’s an incentive or an abatement given to one of the chosen few.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to know the total cost to taxpayers of all the incentives that our hired guns – looking for success stories – recommended, and were blindly approved by those we have elected?