A private-public partnership is the epitome` of democratic socialism. It’s a fancy Excuse for the illogical use of public money for a private purpose.

Private-Public Partnerships are the fertilizer that grows government control. And when government’s tentacles are spread throughout every department, agencies and office, when it becomes an accepted — even when hated — national way of life,  there’s nothing democratic about it: Its just socialism-in-the-raw.

YOUR energy, your labor, talent, ideas, imagination; your private money; your ability to improve economic opportunities for your family; and your personal freedom is taken to be given to a private entity for its private purpose.  Behind all the rose-colored glasses, the half-truths, selected facts, and the deliberate lies — all the Happy Talk — democratic socialism is the path to a socialistic totalitarian government. 

How much of what is yours are they entitled to?  And if a little bit of it won’t hurt you, neither will cancer. (Until its too late.)

A small scale example is the planned development in Paris, Texas, by the partnership of Dallas-based Javelin Investment Group and the Paris Housing Authority.

Council members approved an eight-acre site for a multi-story 60-unit apartment for Section 8 families and private-pay clients by the group and the housing authority. By using this as an excuse, in its desire to show “progress”, the council also approved granting commercial and residential tax abatement on the 19-acre block owned by the private investors.

Go down to City Hall and declare your intention not to pay your property taxes for seven or ten years.

Javelin is in the business to make money.

The city is forcing taxpayers to give it to them.

The Paris Texas Chamber realizes that the nation is well on its way to socialism, but what brain freeze dreamed this nonsense up?

Why will the city provide private developers opportunities it will not allow taxpayers who have paid the bills for years? Instead, over just the last two years, it increase the budget over 7-percent (roughly $5 million), dumping the responsibility for it on in-city residents.

There’s nothing fair or balanced – or even intelligent – about what Paris is doing; its merely a scheme to benefit the few by stiffing the majority; and cover the resulting manure pit with Happy Talk.

Socialist Eugene V. Debs made a great-sounding speech in Girard, Kansas, in 1908, which became his public platform: “When we are in partnership and have stopped clutching each other’s throats, when we have stopped enslaving each other, we will stand together, hands clasped, and be friends. We will be comrades, we will be brothers, and we will begin the march to the grandest civilization the human race has ever known.”

Dream on, brother, dream on!!! But someone must make decisions. Debs never could agree on who that someone should be … he ran for president five times.

In his first race, in 1900, Debs was the candidate of the Social Democratic Party, which led to the formation of the Socialist Party. In 1920, as its candidate, he received almost one million votes, 6% of the total.

In 2020, slightly over 50% of American voters case ballots to increase the role of government.


Since 1900, millions of people who, voluntarily or non-voluntarily, entered a promised “democratic socialism” partnership have been killed by their government. The dead surpassed 30-million in China; 6-million plus in Germany; an estimated 12 to 15 million in Russia. Cambodia killed killed half its citizens. Other countries have slaughter hundreds of hundred thousands. And millions of people today live in human misery and enslavement under the same generic dream – the “democratic socialism” – of Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, and Indo-China and Mid-East nations, and others, that seek control of resources and the means of production.

And there’s no accountability . . .

There’s not even an apology.

In recent years, both major parties have gradually endorsed many of the ideas Debs advocated. Its why the nation is absolutely divided – and $34-trillion in debt.

So what does this have to do with Paris Texas?

Suckers always believe that government can manage or guarantee happiness. But if we can’t do it for ourselves, how can those in government do it for us?

What Paris is doing reflects a wide range of misinterpretations of sound community and economic development, and a serious lack of a common knowledge of socialism’s devious and complicated evolution, and how it operates in practice across the political spectrum.

Those encouraging socialism are mentally-ill people who should never be in leadership positions.

Government favoritism – democratic socialism – is wrong, whether in Paris or Austin Texas, or Nutland DC.

Or, any nation. 

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                                                                            Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce



         Private Enterprise System

         Figures Don’t Lie, but . . .








private-public opportunities are not allowed taxpayers


When private money is taken to spent on a public-private purpose, the private-public partnership is the epitome` of socialism. An example being the planned development in Paris, Texas, by the partnership of the Dallas-based Javelin Investment Group and the Paris Housing Authority.

Council members approved an eight-acre site for a multi-story 60-unit apartment for Section 8 families and private-pay clients by the group and the housing authority. By using this as an excuse, in its desire to show “progress”, the council also approved granting commercial and residential tax abatement on the 19-acre block owned by the private investors.

Go down to City Hall and declare your intention not to pay your property taxes for seven or ten years.

Javelin is in the business to make money.

The city is forcing taxpayers to give it to them.

The Paris Texas Chamber realizes that the nation is well on its way to socialism, but what brain freeze dreamed this nonsense up?

Why will a city provide private developers opportunities it will not allow taxpayers who have paid the bills for years? Instead, over just the last two years it increased the budget over 7-percent (roughly $5 million), dumping the responsibility for it on in-city residents.

There’s nothing fair or balanced – or even intelligent – about what Paris is doing; its merely a scheme to benefit the few by stiffing the majority; and cover the resulting manure pit with Happy Talk.


There’s no accountability.

Socialist Eugene V. Debs made a great-sounding speech in Girard, Kansas, in 1908, which became his public platform: “When we are in partnership and have stopped clutching each other’s throats, when we have stopped enslaving each other, we will stand together, hands clasped, and be friends. We will be comrades, we will be brothers, and we will begin the march to the grandest civilization the human race has ever known.”

(Dream on, brother, dream on!!!) But someone must make decisions. Debs never could agree on who that someone should be … he ran for president five times.

In his first race, in 1900, Debs was the candidate of the Social Democratic Party, which led to the formation of the Socialist Party. As its candidate in 1920, he received almost one million votes, 6% of the total.

In 2020, with the private-public State Capitalism partnership of Big Business and Big Government in full force, slightly over 50% of American voters cast ballots to increase the role of government.

Since 1900, millions of people who, voluntarily or non-voluntarily, entered a promised “democratic socialism” partnership have been killed by their government. The dead surpassed 30-million in China; 6-million plus in Germany; an estimated 12 to 15 million in Russia. Cambodia killed killed half its citizens. Other countries have slaughter hundreds of hundred thousands. And millions of people today live in human misery and enslavement under the same generic dream – the “democratic socialism” – of Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, and Indo-China and the Mid-East nations, and others, that seek control of resources and the means of production.

And there’s no accountability . . .

There’s not even an apology.

In recent years, both major parties have gradually endorsed many of the ideas Debs advocated. Its why the nation is absolutely divided – and $34-trillion in debt.

So what does this have to do with Paris Texas?

Suckers always believe that government can manage or guarantee happiness. But if we can’t do it for ourselves, how can those in government do it for us?

What Paris is doing reflects a wide range of misinterpretations of sound community and economic development, and a serious lack of a common knowledge of socialism’s devious and complicated evolution, and how it operates in practice across the political spectrum.

Those encouraging socialism are mentally-ill people who should never be in leadership positions.

Government favoritism – socialism – is wrong, whether in Paris or Austin Texas, or Nutland DC.

Or, any nation.




Some people don’t like those who dissent from their ideas on how some things are done. They especially don’t like dissent by the Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce.

Since January 6, 2024, we’ve had two emails telling us that those in charge of “the way things are done” don’t like us.

We don’t care. We don’t trust people without a sense of humor or who cannot or are unwilling to think.

People who don’t have good ideas always throw rocks at people who do. It makes them feel better.

But there’s no growth or progress without intelligent dissent.

Dissent brings transition, changing that swirl of information within our minds, separating and streamlining and bringing clarity to that jumble of conflicting thoughts and emotions.

Without dissent there would never be a horse race or a football game. (My horse can beat your horse; my team can beat your team, etc.)

Unfortunately, the emotionally-disturbed and mentally-deranged disguise “dissent” and, like spoiled children, angrily use it to get their own way; going on a crying spree or a temper tantrum. But that’s not dissent, it’s destructive behavior, which should never be tolerated by adults.

Those eager or willing to preserve the status quo use dissent as an example of something undesired or harmful.

Ideas, however, should always be welcomed as not all ideas have the same value. Where people have a choice bad ideas eventually die – as shown by quick fads, styles, and no-taste that come and go. A good idea, one of an enduring value, however, will stand the test of time – and the challenge of dissent.

An endless variety of thieves – ranging from purse-snatchers, to those who steal from friends, private homes, businesses, banks, or even the tax from the Widow’s mite ( to give to the rich) – act on a bad idea.

Facing all this dishonesty is the great idea of dissent summed up in four little words: “You shall not steal.”

But we will have government do it for us . . .

And we have a government fighting to preserve a status quo while actively ignoring the idea that “Good fences make good neighbors.” And if you dissent from government policies, you are an extremist or domestic terrorists.

There must be dissent.

Without dissent, how do we know the value of what we’re doing? What are the yardsticks we’re using to measure the benefits of some idea?

Sooner or later, all ideas need challenging.


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A Good Example of Bad Government

A Public Information (BS) Officer

Trash Pick-up