To please silly people, The first Texas Right-To-Farm Act (RTF) was passed in 1981.

Legislators proposed the act “to reduce the state’s loss of agricultural resources.”   Silly people believed it was needed. 

Since then, the number of operators in the state has grown by 27 percent, while the number of acres in farmland has dropped by 8 percent (largely due to the growing number of wind and solar fields, lakes, and the expanding population centers).

Basically, it was sold as a way to protect certain agricultural operations from nuisance suits when they impact a neighboring property, such as through noise or pollution. (Texas defines nuisance as actions that cause (1) physical harm to a property; (2) physical harm to persons on their property by assaulting their senses or other personal injury; or (3) emotional harm to persons from the deprivation of the enjoyment of their property through fear, apprehension, or loss of peace of mind.)

“Loss of mind” is not mentioned.


The 1981 Act…

…supposedly was centered on protecting certain types of operations from such lawsuits if they are engaged in soil cultivation, crop production, floriculture, fviticulture, horticulture, silviculture, wildlife management, raising or keeping livestock or poultry, or other agricultural land set aside in compliance with governmental conservation program. (That was the kicker.)

It was, voters were told, a way of providing agricultural operations broad immunity and limit a neighbors’ ability to sue by protecting an operation from nuisance suits (if it has lawfully existed for one year). It also was to “protect agricultural improvements that are not prohibited by law at time of construction or restricts the flow of water, light, or air onto other land.

The law required that agricultural operations adhere to federal, state, and local laws in order to receive protection from nuisance suits. (More kickers!)

Additionally, the law required facilities to comply with local governmental regulations that protect the health and safety of residents. (Keep adding those kickers!!)

In practice, it’s obvious that (1) the 1981 Act demonstrates that the right to farm” took away the owner’s basic right to control and manage their farm or ranch land, and (2) that government takes care of government.*

Isn’t it amazing that legislation often achieves exactly what it is designed to avoid?


42-Years later, on November 7, 2023 …

...Texas voters approved HJR 126, changing the landowner’s right to farm and / or ranch to a “privilege” – whereby, the state’s governmental units allow a landowner to “engage” in farming or ranching. By voter approval, the amendment allows the state to create future administrative agencies to control and manage farm, ranch and other agricultural endeavors – operating on some currently-unknown “generally accepted” practices – to “assure public health and public safety” unknown issues based on yet unknown rules and regulations. (Nothing in it, but kickers!!!)

The Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce warned property owners not to approve this horrendous legislation, as it opened the doors to more government control and management of private property.

We were ignored.

But if your neighbor can control and manage your property, what good is your ownership of it? You get to pay the taxes and the costs of maintenance, but they reap the the benefits of ownership – if any remains after the next 42-years . . .

We won’t be around then; however, if you are one of those who voted to approve the change, and are, remember you were warned ––

We’re supposed to be a nation of limited government based on self-responsibility with accountability for wrong-doing. But today, Texas, and the nation, are in a mess because too many silly people want the government to take care of them. They see themselves as a victim or being incapable of taking care of themselves.

Silly people take a great deal of pride in being stupid; believing everything that government tells them, while ignoring the fact they cannot name three problems that government has solved over the last three-quarters of a century, while creating the mess we’re in . . .

Please, stop being one of the silly people voting for silly people.


* 20-years later, the Texas Legislature created the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (in 2001);  while supposedly eliminating the Natural Resources Department. In 2019, the Athens, Texas Daily Review newspaper, followed the TCEQ’s charge and investigation into Sanderson Farms as being in violation of nuisance statutes due to odors, noise, emissions, and runoff. In October 2020, the paper reported that a court ordered Sanderson Farms to pay plaintiffs $6 million in damages from nuisances related to its sixteen poultry barns. This despite the 1981 Right To Farm Act, which was sold to “protect from lawsuits in regard to such nuisances.” (In reality, the 1981 Act, like HJR 126, encourages government’s growth, which adds additional burdens to farming and ranching.)


                        return to   

Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce

The City of Paris, the Lamar County Chamber of Commerce, and the Paris Economic Development Corporation (PEDC), and the neither fish nor fowl Visitors and Convention Council paid a Florida firm $85,000 to come up with a “brand” they could use to “market Paris”.

After a year, they and the firm came up with this: 


Where Texans reach higher?  How much smoking is that in grams?  Ounces?  Pounds?


Are  implants from China, India, Pakistan, Germany, Italy, Scotland, Japan, Mexico, Philippine, or even  Oklahoma, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, California, Arkansas, Iowa, Georgia, New Mexico, and other  nations and other states allowed to smoke a few grams, too – or just  Texans? 

The Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce put it in writing, over a year ago, that the Florida firm would “not have a workable idea when they collect the rest of their money.”

For over a decade, the Paris Chamber has known, and repeatedly put in writing, that “Paris needs a vision, a theme, and the protocols to make it a highly desired destination for a large, identified segment of the market.”

So the above four organizations that allowed 30-years-or more of in-city population loss, increased decay in too many neighborhoods, and wasted millions of development dollars, conspired to show us that they could develop a perception that they do great things for Paris.

As we warned, it was wasting money on a wasted effort.

And the results are  …  something that can be used inside and outside the community to poke fun at Paris Texas Where (pick one): Crooks, Rapscallions, Termites, Arguments, Maniacs, Temperatures, Cheats, Fires, Thieves, Ticks, Lies, Taxes, Fees, Prices, etc.Reach Higher.

To be effective, a brand, a logo or a marketing campaign must be a truthful depiction of the product that is being presented to an identified potential market, regardless of the scope or size of the market, in a consistent, coherent and transparent manner.

The first thing you should want is a brand that cannot be used against you !

You build the brand the market you want wants you to be . . . .

Out of the 30-million people in Texas, half or a large percentage are native Texans. Millions live in Dallas and the state’s other Metro areas, and rural communities like Bonham, Sulphur Springs, Mount Pleasant, Reno (a community that Paris built), and hundreds of other growing places … and our organizations claim that Texans in Paris reach higher?

For what?  Falsehoods?

What are the vision and theme “for this brand”? What are the necessary protocols to hold them together – if they exist – now and in the future?

Sadly, they’ve achieved a dangerous product that competitors can use (where scoundrels reach higher), etc. 

Can’t you see it now (change colors as wanted):

Where dummies reach higher! 

Or even, “What does a Burkett Pecan and a native Paris Texan have in common?”

“They’re both nuts!” 

There’s no vision here. No theme. No protocols. Little to nothing of lasting value.


Just another waste of money.


return to the Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce

When the livin’ is easy
Fish are jumpin’
And the cotton is high
Oh, your daddy’s rich
And your ma is good-lookin’
So hush, little baby
Don’t you cry” 

                                                      –  George Gershwin

                                    It’s Summertime. Again. Time for the Paris Chamber’s annual rant on “Paris Texas – where weeds reach higher”:

The Widow’s mite is often greater than a rich man’s thousands.

The City of Paris codes regarding grass and weeds:   

“It is a violation for any person owning, claiming, occupying, or having control of any property within the city to permit weeds, brush, vegetative growth, or any objectionable or unsightly matter to grow to a height greater than 12 inches.
“If the property is five acres or more, the owner or person in control is required to mow at least a 100-foot perimeter from the property line. 
“If a person fails to comply with these requirements and is convicted in the City of Paris Municipal Court, the fine could be as much as $2,000 for every day the violation exists. The city can also correct the violation at the owner’s expense and assess an administrative penalty of $220. If the costs of the work are not paid within 30 days, a lien will be filed against the property.”


A draconian approach – if you’re not one of the who-you-are or the who-do-you know crowd.

                                                But it’s June, and weeds are bustin’ out all over. Again.







There are weeds – no, grass – all over Paris that’s higher than 12-inches. In some places, weeds are already three feet fall. Some even taller. Many, as they sing in Oklahoma, are as tall as an elephant’s eye.



Regardless of the policy, there are places where weeds three feet tall (and taller) are still standing from last year.
































































(There’s no excuse for it.)

              We’ll see what tomorrow brings . . . .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Forgive us, but that bit in the code on any “objectionable or unsightly matter” with its 12-inch high requirement: There’s gonna be some really short people walking around if the city ever enforces it.

Why do we have ordinances, if they won’t be or can’t be enforced or enforced equally in all areas inside the Paris city limits?

The city demands that citizens follow the city’s policy and city ordinances when the city, itself, doesn’t do it.  Just look at the city’s rights-of-way.

The Paris Texas Chamber of Commerce actually believes (despite what some may want to claim) that each citizen has an obligation and responsibility to the community in which they live, work or do business. Examples being you don’t litter, rob, steal, injure or kill people, and break other reasonable laws.  We also believe, on the other hand, that a community – even Paris, Texas, where weeds reach higher – also has an obligation and a responsibility to each citizen to act without favoritism or different considerations.

Decisions should never be based on perceived percentages; whether it’s the widow’s mite or the rich man’s thousands.





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           Darn that dream

and Bless it, too

It haunts me

that it won’t come true

O, darn … darn that dream